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Jayex Connect

All Jayex solutions are simple and intuitive for patients, and designed to optimise patient flow, engagement and management. 

Key benefits: 

  • Jayex Connect is unique. It’s the ONLY cloud-based patient check-in solution in the UK, with remote access, proactive system monitoring and updates helping to minimise system downtime and inconvenience
  • Premium grade, Windows 11 ready, 8GB Lenovo PC’s help future-proof Jayex’s solution, enhancing system security, accessibility and management within Primary Care 
  • Any technical needs or issues can be resolved without an engineer’s visit, intuitive user-friendly screens support compliance, plus provide patient engagement insights and reports. The Connect platform is also supports care navigation tool needs going forward
  • Mobile phone or QR code check-in, is seamlessly built in, and remains functional even if the check-in screen is temporarily unavailable, providing reception with a patient check-in report 

Contact us today to find out more about the many positive differences Jayex Connect can make to your ICS/Health board, PCN/Cluster or GP Practice. 

ICS’s - Seamless solution optimising patient flow, navigation & management

Jayex Connect works seamlessly across ICB/Health board, PCN/Cluster and GP practice to deliver better patient engagement results, practice management efficiency, simplicity and control.

Delivering invaluable reporting options
  • Our unique cloud-based software enables us to track and report on practice and PCN/Cluster usage, with invaluable insights and controls
  • We can deliver an SLA report, based on a RAG report every quarter on the practices managed within the ICB/Health board and PCN/Cluster, helping to show demonstrable ROI
Supporting practice compliance and funding requirements
  • Jayex Connect allows practices to deliver predefined and customisable patient survey tools; capturing important information including health data that can contribute towards QOF targets, as well as gathering required data for the Friends and Family Test for example
  • A very useful and cost-effective way to capture information without the need for postal or SMS costs
Addressing health inequalities and digital disenfranchising of patients
  • Jayex Connect incorporates functionality to surface templates and triage services such as Accurx Floreys or eConsult with wide-ranging interoperability across primary care systems
  • Once checked in, the screen can allow those patients who are digitally disadvantaged or who prefer not to use online tools, to complete long term condition templates or digital triage content surfaced by the practice’s provider of choice
  • This supports population health management, and helps improve patient engagement by capturing information from patients who may not normally interact with digital content either at home, or in the practice

GP Practices / Private Clinics

GP Practices / Private Clinics / GP's / Clinicians

Address health inequalities with easy to use, accessible technology and systems

Quality improvement – monitor patient satisfaction with the Friends & Family Test 

Invaluable staff time saved allowing resources to be allocated more effectively and efficiently

Practice Managers

Optimise patient accessibility with intuitive availability of multilingual solutions

Quality improvement – increase patient satisfaction with a streamlined patient flow

Improvement to workloads and staff (and patient) satisfaction

IT Professionals

Seamless and secure system implementation, management and control

Intuitive interfaces for staff 

Interoperable integration with any Practice Management System

Our accessible and scalable cloud-based solution is delivered remotely via our AWS cloud infrastructure. Combining both the leading check-in and patient calling solutions, Jayex Connect ensures a robust, intuitive, and cost-effective platform, enhancing patient care coordination. 

The cloud-based infrastructure enables our technical teams to remotely update systems; proactively identify and resolve issues in a timely manner; remove the need or wait for engineer visits from; and minimise any system downtime, maximising patient flow and practice management.

Contact us today to find out more about the many positive differences Jayex Connect can make to your ICS/Health board, PCN/Cluster or GP Practice.